Price per tumbled Red Aventurine stone, sized by weight. Stones from different sizes may look similar in the pictures depending on the volume of each piece. Looks may be deceiving but weight is not.
SM (9-12 g)
MD (14-17g)
The perception of the colors of the stones changes depending on lighting (straight sunlight, shade, artificial lighting) and its surroundings (for example, in pictures taken outdoors some stones will reflect the sky adding a blue hue to the reflections). Sometimes it is hard to capture the exact colors. We want to show you the stones under different conditions so that you get a better idea of how they look. This is why you'll see contrast between pictures (in some stones is more visible than in others).
Listed below are the conditions under which these Red Aventurine pictures were taken:
-Straight sunlight-Shade-Artificial lighting-Over a flashlight to show translucency
Red Aventurine is a stone that helps relax the heart while providing clarity on your feelings.
- (The Auric Expressions of Different Frequencies) Red – The “fire engine red” color comes off the frequency that is strong and active love. It’s a little shallower than the ruby red, a little longer in pulse wave length, and a little shallower. It moves a little quicker than ruby red even though the wave length is a little longer. Only the heart can produce this aura. Red Aventurine is one of many sources of this frequency type.
- (Passion) The frequency of Passion has a Deep Orange color given off of it, not Yellow/Light Orange as with Joy. Carnelian is a major stone for Passion. Carnelian and Red Aventurine has had the effect of helping love take off between people or within one’s self, as with an artist. They can also help your blood flow, either increasing it or smoothing it out.
- (Love, Spiritual Healing, Physical Healing) Red Aventurine – Soft frequencies of love with soft joy and happiness which flow easily, fast, and smooth throughout your Heart Energy.
- Unicornite & Red Aventurine – Facilitators that enhance the energetic characteristics of other stones by removing negativity (Unicornite) and increasing Heart Energy flow (Red Aventurine).